It’s all in ruins. The war came, and we lost. Our planet was bathed in fire, our people evacuated, and we fled our world.
I wait in my shroud of nature, and listen for what I’m certain will be the rest of my life.
If I could set my character on AI mode and go make myself a sandwich.
The wisdom gleaned over a hundred now-nonexistent failures.
Written for Haywire Magazine. It seems like hardly three or four months can go by in gaming circles without the conversation about games writers playing poorly coming up, and despite the myriad of flaws with the belief that there is a definitively wrong way to play, I find myself circling back to that idea like…
Written for Escapist Magazine, recreated with permission. Although gaming is alive and well, the stereotype of a basement-dwelling Mountain Dew goblin-teenager who screams at his mother for “interrupting” his boob-modded Call of Duty match to give him his pizza rolls is image others have of gamers. It’s an image we need to resist. I think…
The world had ended 210 years ago.
David Cage missed becoming a film director, but never let it alter his dream too much.
As the walls tighten, tensions soar, and pretty soon several will die—the situation feels inevitable.
Somewhere around 80 miles an hour, the engine redlines, a gear shifts, and my control becomes figurative at best.
I believe games should celebrate passivity a little more.
Written for XPGain, recreated with permission. Among the more difficult things to realize in life is that change is slow, and accepting things that deviate from expectations isn’t always a quick or easy process. The themes of change and expectation deviation permeate the recent reboot of the 1995 classic Ghost in the Shell, which was…