Around every corner, there is a new world to see, a new mass to explore.
Blood spatters the greenery, shouts of combat rupture the soft whisper of the forest, and the leaves continue their dance.
No fewer than 57 warriors will lay broken, beaten, and bloody on the ground by the end. The Apex Legends offer few mercies.
Charming, picturesque, and somehow childlike in wonderment, but with some caveats.
I find myself sitting here, praying for the card that will save my life, or the near certainty of the several others that will inadvertently end it.
“Minor arkfall detected,” the artificial intelligence in your mind says, “let’s go earn some scrip.”
Written for, recreated in-part with permission. The ocean swallows me whole, and as I sink into its depths, I wonder if I will ever surface again. It is an alien world beneath the waves. A world of dizzying proportions, the safer shallows giving ground to impossible darkness in the depths. My lungs feel the…
Conflict is more than just larger weapons and stronger warriors.
Somewhere around 80 miles an hour, the engine redlines, a gear shifts, and my control becomes figurative at best.
Written for XPGain, recreated with permission. Among the more difficult things to realize in life is that change is slow, and accepting things that deviate from expectations isn’t always a quick or easy process. The themes of change and expectation deviation permeate the recent reboot of the 1995 classic Ghost in the Shell, which was…
New York City swells with snow. a little subdued, as if waiting for the next blizzard, gunshot, or tragedy.
Persons can act, persons can move, persons can feel, understand, remember… I can’t.